Journal archive (2007–2018)
“…the assumption that a brand is just a look is fading, and finally people are beginning to realise that a brand is more a result.”
A few thoughts on passive income
My answers to a few questions about Amazon Associates and passive income, asked by Tom May for a piece on the Shopify blog. Pilea peperomioides, aka Chinese money plant, via. When did you get involved with Amazon Associates and what…
Being an independent designer
It was in 2004 when I first gave serious thought to self-employment. I was part of a team in a small cancer charity, and one day after work I picked up a hefty ankle injury playing football. Unable to walk…
Poetry and magic from Boa Mistura
Five years after Boa Mistura’s first project in Vila Brasilândia, the art collective returned to the São Paulo favela to bring some poesía y mágica to the alleyways.
“How do you storyboard a smile?”
If you’ve been reading my comment threads over the years you’ll likely be familiar with Lee Newham of London-based Designed By Good People. Lee’s been kindly sharing his experience for as long as I can remember, so I thought it’d…
Alan Kitching on his life in letterpress
Design Week spoke to letterpress legend Alan Kitching about his career in design, and how the industry has changed over the past three decades.
What Clients Think 2017
In association with the DBA, Up to the Light conducted telephone interviews with 455 design clients to produce the What Clients Think 2017 report. Interesting read. Here are some things that stood out. 44% of clients believe that their design…
Design in Tech Report
For the third year running, John Maeda released his Design in Tech Report.
It’s okay to change your mind
“The way I express my thoughts the first time round is almost never the accurate reflection of what I believe. “In journalism, though, if you say something the first time round and then you call [the journalist] the next day…
Haunted by data
Pinboard founder Maciej Ceglowski argues that there should be law to limit behavioural data collection to 90 days.