Poetry and magic from Boa Mistura

Boa Mistura poesia magica

Boa Mistura poesia magica

Boa Mistura poesia magica

Boa Mistura poesia magica

Boa Mistura poesia magica

Boa Mistura poesia magica

Boa Mistura poesia magica

“In terms of process, one of the keys was the neighbours’ participation. All together, always with the kids in the lead, we were cleaning and painting the alleys. People feel even more proud of the resulting work when they are the co-authors.”

Boa Mistura poesia magica

Boa Mistura poesia magica

Boa Mistura poesia magica

Boa Mistura poesia magica

Boa Mistura poesia magica

See their similar 2012 art from the Luz Nas Vielas project (light in the alleyways). And more on boamistura.com. Love what they do.

Via StreetArtNews.


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