Category: Inspiration
The Drinkable Book
According to Unicef, in 2015 there were 663 million people using unsafe drinking water. To combat the problem and to help educate about the dangers of unsafe water, WATERisLIFE teamed up with Dr Teri Dankovich from Carnegie Mellon to create the Drinkable Book. Each page, costing just pennies to make, is coated with silver nanoparticles…
It is always now
Part of us always knows that we’re just a doctor’s visit or a phone call away from being starkly reminded with the fact of our own mortality.
Homelessfonts is an initiative by Barcelona-based Arrels Foundation that consists of creating a collection of typefaces based on the handwriting of homeless people.
Eliodomestico: a solar household still for developing countries
Giving families drinking water from the sea at no operating cost.
One breath at a time
As it happens, many people I’ll never meet are doing a lot to keep me motivated. Sun Hongsheng is one of those people.
Self-filling water bottle
“Our initial prototype will collect anywhere from half a litre of water to three litres per hour.” Photo by John Cochran. US startup NBD Nano is aiming to mimic the way a beetle survives in an African desert to create a self-filling water bottle capable of storing up to three litres every hour. To survive…
Massoud Hassani, mine sweeper
The Mine Kafon is a landmine decommissioning device that takes its inspiration from a childhood toy. It’s a wind-blown, bamboo-spiked ball that loses one or two spikes with each landmine detonation. “Made from bamboo and biodegradable plastics, the Mine Kafon also has an integrated GPS chip. You can follow its movement on the website and…
Edward de Bono
Edward de Bono is one of the few people in history who can be said to have had a major impact on the way we think. He has written numerous books with translations into 34 languages, and is best known for being the originator of the term lateral thinking. I’ve included some de Bono quotes…