Tag: Branding
The first Annual Brand of the Year
The pink, cat-eared “pussyhat” that became the icon of the Women’s March in January has been announced as the first ever “Brand of the Year” by SVA Masters in Branding Chair Debbie Millman. In 1964, the late Marshall McLuhan coined, “The medium is the message.” He ushered in the notion that both the message and…
Six brand questions for clients to answer
“Starting in the right place and answering the right questions, rather than starting in the wrong place and offering solutions to the wrong problems.”
Giving voice to ideas
Copywriting can be about much more than just tone of voice. It can form an integral part of a company’s brand strategy.
The ideal design process?
I watched a good CreativeMornings video where Tom Foulkes and Michael Johnson talk process. Michael included this flowchart overview of his brand identity design process. “Meet, talk a lot, summary, talk a lot more, verbal brand, then write up a brief, do quite a lot of work, then present.” During his (nearly) 20 years in…
Using sound symbolism in branding
Take two imaginary names, Maluma and Takete, and before reading any further, pair each name with one of the two symbols below, the one you think is a better fit.
What convicts can teach us about branding
Written by Mike Kammerling of Tinder + Sparks, about Neil Stansfield who was jailed for more than two years for buying own-brand supermarket food, repackaging it as organic produce, and selling it on at a huge markup. Photo via Thinkstock. In September 2009, Neil Stansfield of Northamptonshire was jailed for over two years for buying…
Penguin, in Champions of Design
Excerpted from Champions of Design, the paperback by Silas Amos of Jones Knowles Ritchie, featuring on one of the 25 brands from the book. Given its beloved status as a British institution to rival the BBC, it’s worth remembering what a revolutionary idea Penguin originally was. The company’s cheap but well-made, well-designed books found a…
“The Coca-Cola Conspiracy” and ethical design
Where’s the line between a focus on your career and the societal impact of your work? Photo by Photon-Painter. I was watching a presentation by Robert Lustig about the damage caused by sugary foods, and after listening for a while it raised a few ethical questions I’m curious to know your thoughts on. Have a…
Colour in branding
Colour plays an important role in recognition rates. To illustrate, you know what worldwide brands these palettes represent, don’t you? (Answers in the links beneath each.) Brand name Brand name Brand name Of course each of the above brands has a huge marketing budget, helping ingrain the product or service into our subconscious whether we…