Tag: Art
Poetry and magic from Boa Mistura
Five years after Boa Mistura’s first project in Vila Brasilândia, the art collective returned to the São Paulo favela to bring some poesía y mágica to the alleyways.
Analogue Loaders, behind the scenes
Analogue Loaders is the “animated autobiography” of Raphael Vangelis, where he turns well-known digital symbols into something analogue and playful.
Calvin Seibert’s modernist sandcastles
“Building ‘sandcastles’ is a bit of a test. Nature will always be against you and time is always running out.”
Illustrated gifs capture post 9/11 NYC
Weeks after the dust of the fallen World Trade Towers had settled, a delivery bicycle locked to a traffic sign across the street from the destruction came to symbolise stories of unknown loss.
Things Organized Neatly, the book
Things Organized Neatly capitalises on our current obsession with photographing and cataloguing all the objects that we interact with on a daily basis.
Glasgow High Street mural, by Smug
Sam Bates, aka Smug, is an Australian street artist in Glasgow. Here’s one of his latest pieces on the High Street. Glasgow High Street, photo by Corrie Martin It took about a week to paint, though still needs a few finishing touches to the hand. As far as I’m aware it depicts Mungo in modern-day…
Rainbows through the Smithsonian with 60 miles of thread
This stunning art installation is part of the ongoing Plexus series by Gabriel Dawe. Plexus literally means a network of nerves or blood vessels in the body. The Mexican artist used almost 60 miles of thread in more than 15 hues to create the intricate prisms of colour. “The thread is so thin, that when…
Footage of Renoir and Monet painting
I’d no idea the two impressionists were filmed. Interesting glimpses of past masters at work.
Perpetual black water whirlpool
Anish Kapoor’s Descension is the type of thing I can see myself falling into in some kind of meditative state.