Illustrated gifs capture post 9/11 NYC

As time passed and the bike stayed put, passersby worried about the fate of its owner and memorialised it by attaching flowers, notes and tributes.

9/11 bike memorial

Earlier this year, Michael Raisch had some of his 2001 photography of the bike memorial acquired by the 9/11 Museum, and since then Michael decided to revisit his experiences in the city through the creation of illustrated gifs. He got in touch to share a bit of the process.

9/11 bike memorial project

9/11 bike memorial project

9/11 bike memorial project

“I needed to work with an over head camera rig to get even lighting and to ensure the single-frame animation sequence was correct. It required finding the right light that I could configure with an even ring of light while drawing. Using a cable shutter release meant I didn’t shake or disturb the camera, resulting in a smooth animation sequence. I then color-corrected and compiled the 18 to 30 frames into a single black and white gif.”

9/11 bike memorial project

9/11 bike memorial project

“It was labour intensive but the effect had a huge impression on the museum staff. The sketchy animation style offered the engagement that hopefully transported the viewer back to 2001, pre-social media, before the daily occurrence of digital photography on smart phones.”

9/11 bike memorial project

The animated documentation of the sketching process really gives a lovely effect.

Final project and more gifs over on Michael’s website.