Stop motion. Behind the scenes.

When you see a lot of stop motion videos it’s hard not to become a little unresponsive to the painstaking work that’s involved. So when I saw this one (below) I thought, hmmm, nice.

But then I watched the “making of” video (below), and I thought, wow, superb.

Suus Hessling and Rogier Wieland

Suus Hessling and Rogier Wieland

Rogier Wieland

Suus Hessling and Rogier Wieland

It’s by Netherlands-based graphic and audiovisual designer Rogier Wieland and his intern at the time Suus Hessling. Suus is currently studying graphic design at HKU (thanks for the email).

They used 382 Moleskines, a cat called Jippie, and a month of time.

Suus Hessling

Off-topic, and for the self-employed designers, you might be interested in the terms and conditions PDF Rogier links to on his contact page.


5 responses to “Stop motion. Behind the scenes.”

  1. The planning and patience this must of took to produce is mind blowing. The effect is well worth the hard work though. Amazing video.

  2. WOW. that was crazy good. I’ve done some stop motion video before and I have the utmost respect for anyone that creates them. They are ridiculously time consuming and this one was really really good. Especially the camping figures animating. Very impressive, thanks for sharing.

  3. That was wonderful.

  4. Lovely short movie. Very impressive work. At 1:10 some metro station names are from Bucharest.

  5. Unbelievable animation this made me want to buy a moleskin notebook. It was great to see how they started and put everything together. Thanks for sharing.

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