Tag: book
Citizen Designer
What does it mean to be a designer in today’s corporate-driven, over-branded global consumer culture? The following is an excerpt from the introduction to Steven Heller and Véronique Vienne’s Citizen Designer: Perspectives on Design Responsibility. So, what is the responsibility of a designer when the design is impeccable but the client is tainted? Being accountable…
Ogilvy on meeting clients and prospects
In 1962, Time magazine called David Ogilvy (1911-1999) “the most sought-after wizard in today’s advertising industry.”
Things Organized Neatly, the book
Things Organized Neatly capitalises on our current obsession with photographing and cataloguing all the objects that we interact with on a daily basis.
Trade Marks & Symbols, 1973
“A comprehensive, profusely illustrated guide to more than 1,500 trademarks from all over the world.” Written and compiled by Yasaburo Kuwayama, every page of the 1973 volume one — Alphabetical Designs — can be seen on trademarksandsymbols.com A couple of excerpts… History of marks: Origins in the West “The use of identifying marks in the…
Remember those great Volkswagen ads?
The Volkswagen advertising campaign of the 1960s and 70s is said to be the greatest and most influential ever created, acclaimed as “the campaign of the century” in the Millennium editions of Time Magazine and Advertising Age. Remember those great Volkswagen ads? is the only comprehensive review of the campaign by DDB (Doyle Dane Bernbach).…
On negotiating your design salary
A chapter from Ted Leonhardt’s new book Nail It: Stories for Designers on Negotiating with Confidence — a collection of true stories about designers getting the salaries they deserve.
The Fortune Cookie Principle
Bernadette Jiwa has released her new book, The Fortune Cookie Principle: The 20 keys to a great brand story and why your business needs one. Here’s an excerpt.
15 Years, 115 Projects
15/115 (15 Years, 115 Projects) is the second book from designer Mark Bloom of Mash Creative.
Symbol, by Angus Hyland & Steven Bateman
Symbol is a new book by Angus Hyland and Steven Bateman, published by Laurence King. I was curious to see what difference there’d be between this and Michael Evamy’s Logo from the same publisher. Symbol shows “1,300 symbols organized into groups and sub-groups according to their visual characteristics.” And Logo contains “1,300+ logos in 75…