Alan Watts on the dream of life

“Everybody is fundamentally, the ultimate reality. Not god in a politically, kingly sense, but god in the sense of being the self – the deep down basic whatever there is. And you’re all that, only you’re pretending you’re not.”
— Alan Watts

From the late Alan Watts’ Out of Your Mind sessions, available on CD from /

Video edited by Tragedy and Hope, via Chris Glass.


7 responses to “Alan Watts on the dream of life”

  1. Great find. I discovered Alan Watts on radio station KCRW almost a decade ago. Incredible, thought-provoking philosophies of living life.

  2. Love it that you’ll post things like this. I was expecting something about design or creativity (didn’t read the text first).

    It’s stirring when something profound and inspiring pulls you out your mental rut and makes you consider the bigger picture.

  3. Dreams are often the foundation of goals. Dreams move us forward and with them we can make the world and ourselves better. Dreams are boundless and limitless. We only limit ourselves by the effort we place on achieving them.

  4. Incredible video. Very inspiring words.

    A nice reminder that we are alive.

  5. Always wonderful to hear Watts’ voice. Starting at 11, by the age if 17 I’d read everything Watts had written. He played a great part in making me who I am. Thanks.

  6. John II Avatar
    John II

    It is a beautiful video. What this truly shows is the power of graphics and sound in transforming words into something else.

    The words of the author do not match the visuals. The author speaks of self and living for the here and now. The visuals, on the other hand, seem to emphasize the beauty of Earth and nature rather than human beings. There’s a few shots of kids playing but 95% of the visuals are of nature’s beauty. Seems more suitable for a Greenpeace advertisement.

    A beautiful video but inconsistent with the brand’s message.

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