Universal wrapping paper

Universal wrapping paper is printed with a crossword puzzle for every holiday you can think of.

universal wrapping paper

universal wrapping paper

universal wrapping paper

universal wrapping paper

universal wrapping paper

Brilliant idea.

Designed by Fabio Milito and Francesca Guidotti. Via The Dieline.


42 responses to “Universal wrapping paper”

  1. How super cool.

  2. Is this item available for purchase?

  3. Unit B Avatar
    Unit B

    Genius! Absolutely f#@%ing genius. Patent and sell!

  4. Agreed!! Would buy these 🙂

  5. I’d buy these in a HEARTBEAT!

  6. Brilliant stuff.

    I used to love word searches when I was a kid. I’m trying to get my son in to them, but I suppose two-years-old is a bit young.

  7. sampath burla Avatar
    sampath burla

    the power of Individual LETTERS

  8. That’s a brilliant idea – I’d definitely buy some. I used to love doing word searches and used to be very quick at them too. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  9. Brilliant idea, shame its a little plain, maybe more colours or mixed typography would be interesting.

  10. Very nice idea – this makes the wrapper more beautiful. I am loving it 🙂

  11. Laura F Avatar
    Laura F

    Love it! What a great idea. I would defo buy 🙂

  12. Wow that paper is so cool! Not sure if my hand would be steady enough – and I was never any good at word searches! Lol 😛

  13. Christopher Gunn Avatar
    Christopher Gunn

    Love it! I’m not so sure the non-creative recipients would care for it though. They will either think it’s funny or lazy. Either way, it’s worth the wrap.

  14. Patent it, and sell it in bookstores at the counter or another hot-spot, could be airport gift stores! People are always on the go and may need a way to get a quick wrapped gift year round. This would be an intelligently trendy solution and fitting to the atmosphere of those types of stores. You could get rich!

  15. Paul Scott Avatar
    Paul Scott

    Purpose Design already did this for their own identity about 5 years ago.

  16. Yu Ting Cheng Avatar
    Yu Ting Cheng

    love it!!!!!!

  17. helen winstead Avatar
    helen winstead

    I think it is the cutest, smartest idea anyone has had in a long time. Just think of all the lonely and boring people you would be entertaining. GREAT WORK!!

  18. Eva Roethler Avatar
    Eva Roethler

    This is genius. I really think you should print and sell this. I would definitely buy!

  19. I think this is a great idea, but the hidden words that go from right to left, bottom to top, and bottom-right to top-left are a little bit hard to read. Perhaps have all of the readable left to right or top to bottom?

  20. Carny Asada Avatar
    Carny Asada

    But do you have it in Comic Sans?

  21. Love it. Word play. Let’s see this in multiple languages.

    Sadly, patents are a bag of hurt. Only the trolls have fun.

    Kickstarter might be the equalizer. Get worldwide recognition. Make it easy for the truth to drive profit to the innovators.

  22. An even more universal wrapping paper?

    Plain white butcher block paper that one can write/draw anything on.


  23. That is such an awesome idea, I’m sold. You should absolutely market it and make a squillion. Let me know if you want someone in Australia to help out!

  24. Like it! Simply brilliant!

  25. Absolutely brilliant! Now if you don’t mind I’ll go ahead and make an Icelandic version.

  26. I love this! Can you put it on sale please!

  27. Woah! Cool. I want to have one. Where can I purchase this? 😀 Thanks.

  28. Love it! Add Happy Chanukah and it’s perfect.

  29. giulia colton Avatar
    giulia colton

    new concept, original and fun. yes, I would buy it!

  30. Penelope Avatar

    Cool Idea!! I would buy!!

  31. I came to purchase… but I can’t. Let me know if you ever decide to put this on the market.

  32. Cool idea, but I agree with @Richbaird, it looks plain, and I’m not sure that mixing the typefaces, colors, sizes, font-weights, etc. would really help, because then the circled words would be visually confusing.

    Either way, it’s definitely something designers and wordsmiths would love to see.

  33. PLEASE let us know when you’re selling this. I would love to purchase it. I found this on stumble upon and traced the link back to your blog. You’re fabulous…just fabulous.

  34. Nice wrapping paper, but what about the size can we use this paper for any size of gift and if yes than how we can sure that the event name’ll come on the front side only.

    David ll you plz. make it clear.

  35. Great idea, I really loved it! But I wouldn’t call it universal, because not everybody in the universe speaks English 🙂 And I think it should look plain without the highlight, that’s the beauty of it.

  36. Absolutely genius!!!!!! Design at it’s best. It’s what we all aspire to. I hope they get the recognition (and reward) for it. Where can I buy some?

  37. dave blackburn Avatar
    dave blackburn

    What a brilliant idea for wrapping papaer! Such a creative idea. I am sure this will catch on quickly as it is such a simple yet brilliant idea.


  39. Marina F. Avatar
    Marina F.

    This is such a great idea, so different. =) Where can I buy this universal wrapping paper?

  40. Love Love Love this! Where can I buy it?!?!

  41. Shows the simplest ideas or should I say concepts.. are often the best. Now if I could just wrap a damn present. No way I could ever get my circled word on the top, much less get the sides/corners to fold properly! ;)~

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