Noisy Decent Graphics




Really Interesting Group

There are very few design blogs I’ve been reading since starting my own in 2006. One of them is Noisy Decent Graphics, written by London-based designer Ben Terrett of Really Interesting Group.

Ben’s been kind enough to write a review of my book, Logo Design Love.

But that’s not the only post you should read on his blog. These are great, too:

You can subscribe to Ben’s blog here. I recommend it.


11 responses to “Noisy Decent Graphics”

  1. I looked at the other posts you recommended. Great. Thanks for sharing them.

  2. Thanks, useful link – especially the bit about kerning. It’s strange, although I know what kerning is I’ve always been a bit nervous on the occasions (thankfully few) when I’ve had to do it. There’s a little voice in my head going: “You’re an illustrator. You don’t have a graphic design qualification. What right have you to kern things?” Mad, but true. Now, however, I shall kern with confidence. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. You should illustrate that, Kate:

    “Kern with confidence.”

  4. @David: You’re on! Just give me a week to get past the next deadline and it shall be done!

  5. Thanks for the blog suggestion David. Not only will I subscribe to Ben’s blog, but I’ll also be on the lookout for examples of awful kerning!

  6. Designer Monk Avatar
    Designer Monk

    Thanks David, your blog is like a ‘gateway to the world of graphic design’ to me. So many useful design stuff and links to so many terrific graphic designers out there, their blogs and again their links. I am learning so much.

  7. That’d make a good blog feature, Robyn โ€” showing a series of poor examples alongside the improvements. Keep it in mind in case fancy a guest slot here, or let me know if you ever show something similar on your blog.

  8. Thanks David; will do! ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. I’d love to see the list of blogs you follow…

  10. Typegeek Avatar

    I can’t wait to read the bit about kerning. I love kerning. Also nice to learn about important blogs by people who know what they are talking about.

  11. gelinlik Avatar

    Thanks David; will do! ๐Ÿ™‚

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