Blanch font family, free download

Albert Estruch from Barcelona-based studio Atipus got in touch to share a free download of the Blanch font family that was used in their Fruita Blanch identity.

Blanch font family

“Blanch is a display typeface for the Fruita Blanch brand, a family-run company that, for four generations, has dedicated itself to the cultivation and marketing of sweet fruits.

“This typeface family came about from a search for a traditional font with a contemporary feel which reflected the Blanch products; artisanal recipes, adapted to our modern times.

“This is a modular typeface family halfway between a 50s style sans serif and the range of numerical characters which most labelling machines use. These are seemingly contrasting concepts which lend themselves to the creation of an atypical font. The Blanch typeface family is comprised of 6 different font weights; 3 condensed weights and 3 caps weights. They are: Blanch condensed, Blanch condensed inline, Blanch condensed light, Blanch caps, Blanch caps inline, and Blanch caps light.”

Blanch font family

Blanch font family

Blanch font family

Blanch font family

Blanch font family

Blanch font family

Blanch is available on a “pay what you want” basis from the Lost Type Co Op.

Nicely done.


47 responses to “Blanch font family, free download”

  1. Looks sweet.
    Keep up the good work.

  2. Thank you David and Atipus for the kind generosity. It’s a very nice font and it works great on my computer! I’ll definitely recommend this article.

  3. Liette Bernard Avatar
    Liette Bernard

    My best Christmas present (so far) 🙂 Love it ! Happy Holidays !

  4. Hi David,

    Thank you very much for sharing this font/s with us. Just a quick question, though, I couldn’t see any information about the License of the font. Is it OK to be used in any commercial projects, or not?
    Thanks again

    I wish you, and all your readers
    Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year
    Stay creative and have fun!

  5. Looks like cars and typography are going the same way, getting rid of the angles and going for a more rounded and modern look. Very nice, thank you for the visuals.

    Have a great Christmas David – look forward to seeing more creative flair next year.

  6. Thanks David, gratefully received in the spirit of the season. Disappointed it didn’t have a snow covered version though! Ho ho ho!

  7. Thank you David & Atipus–
    Happy Holidays!

  8. Giuseppe Saltarelli Avatar
    Giuseppe Saltarelli

    Thanks David & Atipus for sharing this with us.
    If I may I would also like to share some fonts with you and regulars to your blogs as well. Simply go to
    and enter O$ in the amount box for a free download of some really cool fonts. Most of them are great for titles since they don’t carry lowercase versions but they are interesting none the less. My personal favourite is Homestead. Enjoy and Happy Holidays everyone.

  9. Hi Yuri, I sent Atipus an email asking about any specific restrictions, and I’ll leave another comment here when I get a reply.

    Giuseppe, I couldn’t find the “amount box” you mentioned, but thanks for the share.

    I hope all of you who celebrate Christmas have a brilliant time. I’ll be enjoying it with about 10 of my closest family, and probably not moving too far from the sofa/dinner table.

  10. Ah, I see the “amount box” now. Just needed to click on a specific typeface name. Thanks again, Giuseppe. Nice resource.

  11. Hi David,

    Thank you for this.
    Hope you have a lovely Christmas.

  12. Nice designs, thanks for sharing.

  13. Hey, thank you! But I meet some problems with this. I install all these, but only Blanch Caps is shown, no Inline, no Light. What could it be?

  14. I received a reply from Albert about licensing. There are no restrictions for use, and the file download has been modified to confirm the fact. You’re welcome to use the typeface in commercial projects.

    Kristina, perhaps the file was being altered when you were downloading it? Not sure. I suggest trying one more time, and if that doesn’t work, maybe Atipus can help.

  15. Great font! Thanks very much!

  16. Great font David, very nice. I’m sure I will use this soon…

  17. Wow! Thank you very much, I love the Fruita Blanch ID!

  18. Thank you so much David & Atipus, I’ve been looking at this font for ages and wondered if there was any where to get it, thanks, best wishes
    & Compliments of the Season

  19. sick as hell! 🙂 already installed and i will try it with my present projects 😉

  20. This is a beautiful font family—thanks for sharing!

  21. Giuseppe Saltarelli Avatar
    Giuseppe Saltarelli

    Hi David,
    funny thing just happened as I went to browse for a new font
    on I came across the Blanch font family from Atipus. Coincidence ?

  22. Great font… can’t wait to use it in a project.

  23. I got a same problem as Kristina. Even when i’m opening it in file explorer blanch condensed is showing in each file!! When i’m switching OS to my Ubuntu Linux the font shows normally? Any suggestions?

  24. Hey, thanks for the font family, it looks very nice.

    The problem is I use a font manager, extensis suitcase and indesign doesn’t recognize all the fonts, only one, the condensed :-/

    Any hint to solve this?


  25. Ivo Valadares Avatar
    Ivo Valadares

    Is it me or is the typeface not working?

    And now that I was about to use it in a project.

    bummer :-/

  26. Hi Wiktor, Rui, Ivo, that’s a shame you’re finding problems. Your best bet is to contact Atipus, although I’m unsure if they offer support for free downloads.

  27. Suzanne LaCore Avatar
    Suzanne LaCore

    Thanks so much. Blanche is perfect for the project I’m working on this morning. Love it.

  28. Matt McRae Avatar
    Matt McRae

    Hi there,

    I am also having a problem with the font.

    I am using Windows 7 and Extensis and I can only get the ‘Caps’ weight to display in applications. Extensis shows them all, however my CS apps don’t.

    I have contacted Atipus and will let you know if I receive a reply.
    This is a really beautiful font, so I hope I can fix it so I can use all the weights.



  29. Matt McRae Avatar
    Matt McRae

    An update for those having problems with the font –

    I spoke to Riley from the Lost Type website and he told me that it is actually a bug in Windows 7. Apparently it is ‘very picky about font meta data’

    They have been able to solve this issue with some of the other fonts on the site and are currently working on fixing the issue with this one. He told me they would have an update on it soon.



  30. I’m also having problems with this font in 2 computers.
    As I’m using Windows 7 in both, I assume it’s the bug Matt/Riley told us about.
    Hope someone can fix it.
    Have a nice day!

  31. I’m having problems with the font as well. First, I can’t get Suitcase to turn the font on. I keep getting an error message when I go to install. Second, I installed it through fontbook, which worked out fine, but once I go to type a word, I get special non-English characters. Any clues?

  32. The issue is that the name and weight info in the font has not been set (in the font editor) so when you install them all, they clash with each other. I have fixed the issues in the fonts and if the author approves it, I’ll upload it for those having issues.

  33. Justin Avatar

    Anyone heard any news on this issue? I am building a site at the moment that could make great use of Blanch as a header font, but apparently, there are issues.. Please let me know if there’s an update. Hey Jason, could you share the fixed font? Maybe a public DropBox link? 🙂

  34. I probably could but I was rather hoping to get some sort of ok from the creator before I redistributed a modified version of their font…

  35. Justin Avatar

    You’re right, I’d ask the artist first..

  36. Hello everyone,
    We are aware of this problem and we will fix it asap since we are too busy right now with other projects.


  37. Justin Avatar

    Jason, so how did you fix the issues in the font? I have Fontographer and probably could fix this myself, if I knew what to look for. From there, it’s just a matter of getting permission to use it as a web font, of course..

  38. @justin – It’s a pretty quick process but it’s been long enough that the exact process used is forgotten. It was obvious at the time but I can try and cobble the memory together.

    (I offered via email to give the fixed files to the author but never heard back.)

    For fontographer, open all the fonts and jump into font info (via element menu) for each one. Under the names tab you’ll start to see some info that is missing across all the fonts (like the bold version not saying it’s bold). I have a feeling it was just in the typographic style name section but you may need to adjust the design parameters too. What to add should be clear by what you see (or don’t see) in those fields.

    Once you have added the missing names/info save them all back out and you should be good to go. You can leave the other tabs (especially credits) alone as nothing needs to be changed there.

    Annoy me via my site if you are stuck and need me to open the originals for a proper step by step. It’s a great font – so happy to see others making good use of it.

  39. Justin Avatar

    Thanks for the tip, Jason. I’ll try this out real soon and let you know if it worked for me.

    PS: I love your work!

  40. Brooke Avatar

    Are there any updates on the Windows 7 issue? I just tried installing these fonts last night. I saw them on a new article on Smashing magazine and was so stoked! Awesome Airey! Unfortunately, I am having the install problem.

  41. Same boat as @Brooke…I am also having problems installing. The font is beautiful! Would appreciate any feedback…

  42. I suggest u guyz download an updated version of the font in .otf at the source. The Losttype COOP website :

    Had problems with the one i downloaded from here, but the one from Losttype works well.

  43. Tibo, the font in question is the same as the site. A couple of us have contacted Atipus, the agency that created the font, and as you can see above, they said they would be working on it (not quick enough in any case, so people tend to take matters into their own hands). As Jason has pointed out, if you have an app like Fontographer, you can change the font info to the correct parameters, and it should then work on a Windows machine. I’ve tested on a Win 7 netbook, and I’ll post more test results, just to be sure. I’ve yet to host this font to make sure. The font was not installed on the netbook previous to opening the test html, just to be clear.

  44. @Justin @Jason
    I’m having the same issues as everyone else and I need it for a project. Any chance you could send me the de-bugged version? Any chance at all?


  45. Courtney Avatar

    Hello! I absolutely love this font…trouble is, I’m not sure what would be suitable to pair it with. Any suggestions? It’s for my blog-in-the-works, with Blanch used as the header, and I’m not sure what would work best for the body.

    Any tips are welcome!

    Thanks- Court

  46. I think Open Sans works pretty well as a more modern body text. I’d try it out on Google Webfonts. It’s really lightweight, especially if you only use one weight, like Book 300 (thinnest weight for that font family). They also host them, so it’s less for you to serve, and there are other great fonts for body text as well. I usually download all that I want to compare, and then use the cdn link for the one(s) I want to use.

  47. Ross N. Avatar
    Ross N.

    Thanks for the Blanch Condensed In-Line. Trying to replicate the “J. ARTHUR RANK” font. This is as close as it gets!
    Glad I found you.
    Many Thanks.

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