Tag: packaging
Good Hair Day Pasta
I can’t imagine the link between hair and food ever taking off, but this pasta packaging concept gets full marks for invention. Designed by Nikita Konkin, Moscow. Via Baubauhaus.
What convicts can teach us about branding
Written by Mike Kammerling of Tinder + Sparks, about Neil Stansfield who was jailed for more than two years for buying own-brand supermarket food, repackaging it as organic produce, and selling it on at a huge markup. Photo via Thinkstock. In September 2009, Neil Stansfield of Northamptonshire was jailed for over two years for buying…
Smirnoff Caipiroska packaging
This promotional packaging for Smirnoff Caipiroska by JWT Brasil caught my eye.
How to package elastic bands
The stronger the band, the more the box is squeezed. Lovely idea for elastic band packaging, by design student Ric Bixter.