Philip Bloom’s five days in Dubai

Philip spent five days and nights in Dubai filming this four-minute timelapse video, shot using a Canon 7D and a Panasonic GF1. Definitely worth watching in full-screen.

“I mostly shot aperture priority mode to cope with the light change. Sometimes in manual. You don’t need expensive cameras to do this. The GF1 is a cheap camera and there are even cheaper ones out there like some of the powershot series with built in timelapse. It’s great fun, very boring to shoot but ultimately the most rewarding.”
— Philip Bloom

Music is from The Fountain by Clint Mansell.

More info and stills on Bloom’s blog. Via creativeroots.


14 responses to “Philip Bloom’s five days in Dubai”

  1. Bader Kamal Avatar
    Bader Kamal

    Ah. Gorgeous. Dubai wows me every single time. You simply can’t ignore man-made beauty like this. Don’t let ignorance force you to do so.

  2. I love how each scene is a well-composed art piece. One can tell that he took much thought in choosing how to frame the scenes. Very beautiful!

  3. I’ve never been drawn to Dubai, and this video just confirms my feelings. It’s beautiful, but also inhuman and sterile. All the same, I’m glad I watched it, so thanks for posting. Also, thanks for posting the links to the Independent. I never knew all that about Dubai before. Needless to state, I’m even less drawn to it now!

  4. This is beautiful photography/film making. The music adds that perfect bit of atmosphere to the piece too!

  5. That’s a gorgeous video, thanks for sharing it. Whilst there is undoubtedly an ugly side to Dubai, I also think the whole human rights / slave labour argument in that Independent article is not quite as black and white as that. Personally I’d love to go to Dubai just for the sheer awesomeness of it.

  6. Wow. It’s not often that i’d sit and watch a 4-5 min video during work hours but that was strangely hypnotic. Thank you David.
    Agreed. There are some highly questionable aspects to Dubai which won’t do its image any good. However, you have to sit back and admire Dubai’s grandiose image and just think of what was there 20 years ago to what is there now.
    Definitely worth a visit before they go completely bankrupt !

  7. Nice video dude.. I already planned my trip this year to Dubai. Thanks for sharing them.

  8. Taylor Steele Avatar
    Taylor Steele

    Wow. Kind of leaves you breathless. These are really great photo’s.
    They make Dubai seems like an interesting place, maybe I will visit one day.

  9. It’s worth taking everything in the press with a pinch of salt, Aaron. I’m with you there. To believe something 100% I like to see it with my own eyes.

  10. Every country has its upside and downside. Considering that UAE was only formed in 1971, the progress and growth dubai shows is admirable. I’m an emarati living in dubai, and every day I wake up thanking allah for our leaders and citizens for this earthly paradise.

  11. Dubai is filled with breath-taking skyscrapers that make the city more lovely as they light up at night. I’ve been there once to visit a friend. These man made infrastructures have become “must-sees” for tourists. Such a captivating video. Great editing, great work. Thanks for the post.

  12. When I read the title I thought you went to Dubai. Hehe anyways, very beautiful and creative video. I’ve always loved timelapse videos. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  13. That is a very unique and beautiful video… I love the shots at the 2:50 mark with the overhead of the pool… Really cool stuff.

  14. Dubai remains every grain as majestic and inspiring as ever. Thanks for posting this!

    @Tahir: don’t worry. Abu Dhabi was always going to bail them out. It wasn’t a question of if, but when. Dubai has always been a sober AD’s truant little bro’, so the elder Emirate was merely trying to take it down a couple of notches ; )

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