I get headaches. A lot. Medication, physiotherapy, acupuncture (painful on the NHS), food diaries — no joy.
Earlier this week, after a 10 month wait on the NHS, I had my third appointment with a different consultant neurologist. He told me it’s just bad luck that my brain is wired in a way that leaves me more sensitive to triggers, and referred me back to my GP to get another prescription of Propanolol, taking the daily tablet at a higher dose than I tried a couple of years back. If it still doesn’t work, there are three or four alternative medicines to try (not Amitriptyline, though — tried it, no effect except bad dry-mouth).
Frederick Meijer Gardens sculpture, via Migraine Chick.
The neurologist recommended The Migraine Trust website. So I read some facts and figures and brushed up on understanding and managing migraines.
Although I’ve yet to find my own cure, these common sense things help.
Water. At least four or five pints a day.
Exercise. Daily, even if it’s just 30 minutes.
Breaks. At least 5 minutes away from the computer, every 45 minutes.
Another thing: 4head. On-the-shelf mild relief.
I mostly work through the headaches, otherwise I’d get nothing done. A few days each month I might need to stop everything, but I always remember the positives about what I do, and where I am, then look to others like Juan Magdaraog, a web developer fighting against Pompe disease for 20+ years.
Puts things into perspective.
The Migraine Trust
British Association for the Study of Headache
Migraine Action
Migraine, on NHS Choices
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