What’s the formula for blog posts that will get the greatest number of retweets? Which new product or service will make you the most money? Do you know?
“The truth is that nobody knows for sure what’s going to work. If they did the J.K. Rowlings of this world wouldn’t get rejected by twelve publishers. There is no cast iron guarantee, no secret formula. There is no map to your success.
“This means that you are the map maker. You are responsible for shaping your journey and creating your own success. I know many inspirational entrepreneurs and creative business owners who have done just that and I wanted you to hear some of their stories.
“So today I’m sharing a beautiful book with you that’s been six months in the making.”
— Bernadette Jiwa
Today sees the release of Bernadette’s ebook You Are The Map Maker.
Eric Karjaluoto — @karj
Nubby Twiglet — @nubbytwiglet
Chris Guillebeau — @chrisguillebeau
Me — @DavidAirey
Lee Newham — @goodpeopletweet
Mark Bloom — @MashCreative
Reese Spykerman — @reese
Jessica Hische — @jessicahische
Derek Sivers — @sivers
Jonathan Woodward — @jonwoodward
Blair Thomson — @BlairThomson
Lea Woodward — @kinetiva
Tara Gentile — @taragentile
Article headlines in the ebook include: Why do we compete to be average? Lessons for designers to embrace. How do I get freelance work? All the money you make will never buy back your soul.
The free ebook is available for download on the You are the map maker website, with design and art direction by Believe in.
80-page softback and hardback books are also available at cost price.
Very well done, Bernadette, Blair (and team). Love it.
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