MIN: The New Simplicity in Graphic Design

A new book by Stuart Tolley focuses on a “rebirth of simplicity in graphic design.” Taking nearly two years to complete, the 288-pager showcases around 150 designers working across a wide range of formats and media — from independent magazines and album covers to corporate identity and branding.

MIN design book

“I’ve aimed to document some of the best examples of contemporary simplified graphic design, which have come to the fore as ornamental graphic design has saturated the market over the last decade.”

MIN design book

MIN design book

MIN design book

MIN design book

The 400+ photos in the book are accompanied by commentary on the design and production processes involved.

MIN design book

MIN design book

MIN design book

MIN design book

MIN design book

MIN is available on Monday from publisher Thames & Hudson, and available to pre-order on Amazon.com (.co.uk).

Stuart Tolley is creative director and founder of Transmission, a design studio and editorial consultancy that specialises in the art direction and implementation of visual-culture books, magazines, and digital media.

MIN design book

Head over to It’s Nice That for a short post where Stuart talks about misconceptions surrounding minimalism in design.


4 responses to “MIN: The New Simplicity in Graphic Design”

  1. This is awesome! Like the famous architects’s saying “Less is More, God is in details!”
    For me, three things are important for the great design project. ” Simplicity, Maturity and Excellence.”

  2. @Soji
    Very true. Personally, I feel as if simplicity follows maturity and then comes the excellence.

  3. Definitely looks like a must have.
    Thank you for the post David!

  4. Joyce Avatar

    Anyone already got this book? How is it? I’m considering getting a copy.

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