Digital Print. A Bigger Spectrum.

A Bigger Spectrum, Silas Amos

Here’s an excerpt from the foreword by Mark Bonner.

“You might not have realised it, but print has been quietly re-fashioned by technology in our lifetimes. Like us, ‘Print’ is mutating, too. Today it’s possible to print directly onto walls, or to project onto water vapour. We can replace our message every second via the Internet. We scan and shop with it. We are tracked by it. We animate it, we share it, we augment it, we interact with it, we geotag it, and we can distribute it globally in an instant and watch and learn as our audience adds to it.”

A Bigger Spectrum, Silas Amos

And here are a few brief excerpts from throughout.

A Bigger Spectrum, Silas Amos

“As pilot schemes go, the ‘Share a Coke’ was a big one — 800 million labels in the first big push alone. That number is now closer to five billion worldwide (and constantly growing). It began in Australia as a local initiative to reconnect with young people who were no longer ‘feeling the love’ for the brand. On the back of its success the campaign was replicated in 32 European countries, with 150 popular names used for each one. Digital and analogue techniques and the absolute requirement to faithfully reproduce the brand colour added to the logistical challenge, but this push led to a worldwide 4% rise in sales across the markets where it appeared.”

A Bigger Spectrum, Silas Amos

“Not a brand to rest on its laurels, Coca-Cola has continued to push the potential of digital print technology for limited editions. In Israel, a packaging design campaign took Diet Cokes ‘stay extraordinary’ tagline as the jumping off point for the next chapter in breakthrough limited editions. With Share a Coke, the company produced thousands of distinctive, personalised packs. With Diet Coke, that notion of personalisation was taken one step further to produce two million absolutely unique patterned bottles. Clearly, such an ambitious initiative would have been impossible had each bottle been designed and ‘artworked’ by hand.”

A Bigger Spectrum, Silas Amos

“For a three-month period, the distinctive blue and orange of Irn-Bru labels were replaced with the tartans of the 57 largest clans in Scotland. From Anderson to MacDonald, and 55 different clans in between, the Irn-Bru campaign gave Scots and chance to celebrate their heritage. […] The campaign resulted in an 18% sales uplift and 185% uplift in website traffic. A commercial success, but also a triumph on a very human level — Irn-Bru received letters from fans asking for specific clan bottles to be delivered to weddings and christenings.”

A Bigger Spectrum, Silas Amos

A Bigger Spectrum, Silas Amos

“Indigo digital presses use the four standard ink colours (CMYK). But can also print using up to seven colours — using green, violet, and orange inks to extend the colour gamut that can be reached. Or alternatively pre-mixed spot colours or specials like pink, white, or a brands particular Pantone colour can be added if required.”

A Bigger Spectrum, Silas AmosIllustration by Rob Lowe, aka Supermundane.

The book, designed by James Lunn, printed by F E Burman, and photographed by Benedict Morgan, also includes contributions from (amongst others):

600 copies of the 96-pager were printed, and although they’re unavailable to buy, you can read the book for free on ISSUU. It’s an interesting look at how top brands are using digital print to increase sales.


One response to “Digital Print. A Bigger Spectrum.”

  1. Stunning book. Thanks for sharing. Wish hard copies were available!

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