180,000 public domain images, free to download and reuse

The New York Public Library has made it possible to download out-of-copyright photos, posters, book covers, and more, in the highest resolution available.

Writing brushes illustrationIllustration of writing brushes, 1908.

“That means everyone has the freedom to enjoy and reuse these materials in almost limitless ways. The Library now makes it possible to download such items in the highest resolution available directly from the Digital Collections website.”

Aids typographyFrom the Gran Fury collection.

No permission required. No restrictions on use. The website offers “tools, projects, and explorations designed to inspire your own creations — go forth and reuse!”

Esso service stationGas station, Tenth Avenue and 29th Street, Manhattan, 1935.

A brilliant resource, with categories that include poster collections, maps and atlases, book art and illustrations, and loads more.

Flowers of a hundred generations calligraphyFlowers of a hundred generations, introductory calligraphy, 1909.

More info on the NYPL website. Via The Atlantic.


One response to “180,000 public domain images, free to download and reuse”

  1. Wow, great resource and it’s just like traveling in time 🙂

    Thanks a ton David!

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